пʼятниця, 22 червня 2012 р.

Host-Remote installation of AnyplaceContro vnc module

If the remote desktop pc is in the same LAN with the Admin-PC, not necessarily your physical presence during the installation of Host-module. You can install the Host-module remotely over the network using the "Remote Install". This feature is built into the module Admin. You can call it from the "Tools" menu. Learn more about this feature   here ...  

Hidden installation of Host-module (for experts).

The module "Host" can be set via the command line in stealth mode (automatically, without any dialog messages) with the predetermined access code. This can be useful when installing a centralized Host-module in the domain via script Active Directory. It can also be used to integrate our Host-module with your other software as a vnc sdk . 

For example, you want to install a hidden Host-module with the password "123456". Just enter the following command: AnyplaceControlInstall.exe / password = 123456 
The module "Host" is established secretly. Note: The password must contain at least 6 characters. 

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