пʼятниця, 6 липня 2012 р.

How to instal remote desktop software

The following describes the most important aspects of the installation process. 
1. Select the module to be installed. 

     During the installation process you will be prompted to choose a module of the two possible.  
     • Set the Admin-module on the computer from which you manage remote computers.
     • Install Host-module on the computer that you plan to manage remotely.
     If you want to use the same computer as the remote control the other PC, and remotely access it from another location, you must install both modules. 

     Note: The steps below apply only to the installation of Host-module. 

2. Select the type of run Nost-module 

     Host-unit can automatically start with Windows (as a service). Selecting this option will largely automate your actions, for they do not have to run each time the Host-module manually at startup. Otherwise, you can install the Host-module, "A simple application that will need to manually run" if necessary. 

3.Create a Password Access.
     Password protected remote access connect to your Host-PC. This password is secret information that you need to connect to the Host PC remotely from another location. 

     If you want to grant remote access to your Host-PC to another man - tell him the password. Never give him an unfamiliar person. Only someone who knows the password will be able to remotely connect to your Host-PC. 

4. Connecting to the Internet account. 

     Account of connection is the easiest way to connect to the Host-PC over the Internet from anywhere in the world without any network settings and knowledge of IP-addresses.

     You can enter your existing account (if you already have an account) or create a new account. In any case, you must enter the account name (same as the e-mail address) and password of your account. 

     If you do not have an account, click "Create New Account". 

     If you have already created an account previously, enter your existing account, but do not create a new one, because All your computers must be connected to a single account. 

     If you do not want to use the service "account-connection", click "Skip" (not recommended). 

5. Closing the dialog box. 

If the installation process completed successfully at the end of the process window will appear, telling you your IP-address, account information, and so on.
     Remember or write down the information specified in the window, because They need to connect to the Host-PC from another location.

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