пʼятниця, 6 липня 2012 р.

Map of connections for remote desktop

On the map, you can have the connection on your own. For best results in an additional window, you can create connecting lines between them, tint colors, add more objects. 

All connections are fully interactive, and there is a possibility of interest can run mode by clicking the link. Map will greatly facilitate remote management and administration of computers in a large organization, especially if the building several floors.

How remote connections are arranged

Connections can be arranged in two styles: in the usual style of groups or in the form of layers (similar to stories in the building). Layers in vnc tools can be created and deleted by moving the connection between them, for more convenient to divide them.

To configure the card set to edit mode, when activated, creates additional windows to the properties of objects and maps of the options taken out of context menu cards and connections.

Key features of remote desktop solution:

  • Ability to have the connection on your own.
  • The connecting lines between objects with the ability to configure the style of these lines.
  • Highlighting.
  • Office of the layers.
  • Variable sizes of cards.
  • Extensive navigation.
  • Installing the right size and distance between objects map.
  • Capturing the map.
  • Managing a collection of images, with the ability to add and delete images.

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